Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today the Lions are in the Steel city to face the Pittsburgh Steelers....a city they have not won in since 1955!
I have really nothing to say bad about the Steelers as I loved watching the play in the Super Bowl's growing up in the 70's. I grew up with "Mean" Joe Green, Lynn Swann and the bill hilly Terry Bradshaw.

The Lions are on a roll right now as a fan that's exciting for us. Today Matt Stafford has the chance to be the Lions all time passing leader and that's also something else. He has the chance to pass Bobby Layne who has held the record for more than 50 years. Megatron is well Megatron and should get his yards for fantasy owners.

What I'm loving more about this group of Lions is the front four on defense. They don't care anymore what the NFL and their critics have to say about them. They know they have a target on their back with the NFL watching. Suh, Failey and others have already been fined this season. Do they bitch in public about it? Not much! They let their union reps handle that business and move on.

I'm hoping for a great game...Lions vs Steelers.....Gooooo Lions!!!

Lions at Pittsburgh
FOX TV 1pm...