Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Blog...Wish Me Luck?

Hi everyone and for those that choose to follow this blog thank you! It's something else to give me the chance to express myself and what I am most passionate about outside of the family and relationship aspect of my life and that is sports.

I always get asked...did I ever play? Yes and no...yes to basketball, football, soccer but no to like hockey and some others. As I have gotten older I have become more of a quarterback of the remote and recliner...RIP.

I will be the first to admit I am no guru on the stats aspect of the game but will give a strong opinion of something that is going on in the world of can take it or leave it and I am always ready for a good beware! Thanks again for following, reading, disagreeing or what have you...this is for you the other fans of sports. This will be a trial by fire as I will be learning from scratch on how to do one of these things...wish me luck and see you at the games!

Rick Solis

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